August 04th, 2020. Recent events in Beirut, Lebanon, has shown again how badly could be glass related injuries from flying debris caused by an explosion. In fact, deadly lacerations due to high speed flying glass shards have been responsible for most of the injuries received in explosion incidents in the past. According to the International Window Film Association, “Research conducted after explosions point to flying and broken glass as one of the main causes of death or injury”.
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Window Film: The Best Way to Save Energy for Your Home or Business
When it comes to making Energy Efficient improvements to your Home or Business that help the environment and also can save you money, you must consider start with your windows. Solar heat goes through your windows and glass doors creating hot spots and excessive heat inside your home or business. This makes your cooling costs go up in summer and your heating bills increase in winter time.
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What you need to know about Security Window Films
Most of break-ins occur by smashing a window or glass door. It takes 2 seconds to go through an unprotected glass and gain access to your business or home, damage property, snatch valuables and leave before security or police can arrive. Security Window Films is a great solution to deter or delay a forced entry.
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